10.28.2005 11:02 a.m.
JournalCon 2005 - Part IV

Friday, October 21st

We got up somewhat early, burned the rest of the swag CDs that I'd brought, and headed down to the third floor to see what was up with registration. We saw Weet and Minarae and a few others, who recommended a lovely Irish pub called Hennessey's that was close by that made an excellent breakfast. We went there, and had probably the best damn breakfast I've ever had in my life. I wanted to take a picture of it; it was so pretty. The bacon was absolutely perfect, the eggs weren't even remotely scary and the potatoes were delicious. Yum yum.

Jesus. I need to eat something before all my JournalCon entries start becoming completely about food. For some reason Special K and slightly-past-its-expiration milk just don't sound as good as the food I'm talking about, though. Hmm...

After lunch we headed back to the hotel and pretty much hung out in the room for several hours. I was going to take a nap, but never quite got around to taking one. I changed into my black wrap dress and some cute heels, and we headed downstairs to see who else had shown up. There was much squee-ing and crazy hugging when we ran into TranceJen while we were chatting with Dichroic, who I'd never met before but found to be lovely. I left her to chat with Mr. SG about things flight-related and went to talk to Minarae and Mare and Chauffi for a few minutes. We saw the fabulous Biensoul, who immediately gave me a great hug and introduced us to her boy wonder, Thumper. We briefly met a few more people before we were told we could go into dinner. The tables were gorgeous. We sat down with a few familiar faces, and some not-as-familiar ones.

I didn't play Jingo as intensely as other people did. I was hungry and wanted to eat. The salmon was good, and the dessert was superb, if a bit rich.

The best part, though, was the coversation following dinner. A few people went to a bar outside the hotel, but some of us stayed in the library and just talked. Sharing stories with the people at our table about pets, really bad decorating ideas and the military, among other things was...awesome, is the only word my tired brain can come up with. It pretty much exemplified the advantages of a smaller JournalCon over a massive Con extravaganza. You had time to talk to pretty much everyone for at least a few minutes, and even had time to get deep into conversations with people who you felt a connection to.

I think that had to be one of my favorite parts about the entire Con. The connections.

And that was Friday.

Saturday and Sunday are still to come.


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