05.11.2005 12:39 p.m.
Explanation of absence and weekend review

Sorry I've been absent lately. The stress of work the past two days has turned me into a crazed lunatic.

If I had written in here, it would have looked something like this:

hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate kill kill kill bite bite claw claw claw scratch set aflame kick kick kick kick kick hate hate hate hate hate hate kill

Not very exciting, right?


Now that today is somewhat less stressful, I'm in a better mindset to write something slightly more interesting.

I'm not making any promises, though.

This weekend was pretty damn awesome, despite my husband having to work all the way across the state from Wednesday through Sunday.

Friday night I pretty much sat on the couch and vegged while watching movies. First I watched My Life Without Me, because galaxy said it was good. It was. Then I watched Raising Helen. That was really quite good.

I went to bed relatively early that night, so I could get up to...

Go to work Saturday morning! I wasn't really looking forward to it, but I actually got a TON of stuff done in 4 hours. It's amazing how I can get more done when I'm not interrupted every half hour by someone who wants me to do their work for them.


After work I did some running around to get my mom some gift cards and a greeting card for Mother's Day. I also bought 3 shirts that were on sale at Kohl's. Oops. I knew I should have gone in the other door. But, I needed some new clothes. I felt like I was sort of wearing the same thing every day.

Back to the subject...

I went home and watched TV for a couple hours before my sister and her fiance came to pick me up. I fed the cats, threw some shit in a bag, and we headed out to Ferndale.

The short and sweet version:

Met up with Mr. Science-Girl at the WAB (Woodward Avenue Brewery). We ate dinner and drank a few glasses of ABSOLULTELY DELICIOUS raspberry blonde beer. YUM.

Then we walked the few blocks to The Magic Bag. We were REALLY early, so we just found a table and hung out and talked over beer for a bit.

The breakdown of the show:

Uncle Jessie - music was good, but the lyrics were indistinguishable.

The Brothers Groove - kicked ass and a half. The tunes were excellent, you could actually understand the lyrics, and the crowd was totally into them. I bought two of their CDs online after we got home Sunday.

Howling Diablos - pretty good, but not as rockin' as Brothers Groove. I still bought their CD at the show, and had to get up and dance while they played.

We got back to my husband's hotel around 1:30 AM (ish) and pretty much just passed out.

My sister and her fiance and his sister left semi-early the next morning. I hung around the hotel room and watched Ghostbusters II and took a shower while I waited for my husband to get out of work. He got out around noon-ish, and we stopped at a CVS so I could get some "I'm dumb and drank too much and have a hangover headache the size of Texas" drugs.

Then we headed home.

It was a pretty darn good weekend, if I do say so myself.

Listening to: Howling Diablos - Car Wash
Reading: The Stingray Shuffle - Tim Dorsey


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