01.05.2005 9:48 a.m.
Fashion and Charity and Masochism

Today's outfit...

This shirt

over a black camisole with bisou bisou wide waist black pants. Whoo hoo!


I think I might be insane for wearing a lace shirt when we're supposed to get between 6 and 12 inches of snow between yesterday and today, but oh well. Fashion is what matters, right?

Warmth? BAH! We don't need no stinkin' warmth!


I forgot to mention yesterday that I donated to Doctors Without Borders/M�decins Sans Fronti�res (MSF) in order to help with not only the humanitarian needs in the area affected by the tsunami, but also in other areas that need emergency relief.

If you're as saddened by the effect of the tsunami as I am, but feel helpless to do anything about it, realize that every little bit helps. If you haven't already donated to an organization that is helping in the relief effort, try to do so. It doesn't have to be millions of dollars...just whatever you can spare.

I chose Doctors Without Borders because I know that while other organizations are providing food, water, and other supplies, doctors are really needed in these areas to keep the survivors alive and healthy. What's the point of surviving a war or a giant tsunami if you end up dying of an everyday illness afterwards?

They also use a great percentage of the money donated to them for relief. Some "charities" use 75% of the funds for publicity, fundraising and generally keeping the business afloat, so a much smaller percentage actually goes to help people.

Blah blah blah philanthropy. Blah blah blah helping people is good for your karma. Blah.

Back to your regularly scheduled bitching.


I think I might be a glutton for punishment. Or a masochist. Or something.

By the time I left work last night, I had accumulated the same amount of overtime that I had during all of last week. Six and a half hours of overtime by TUESDAY NIGHT, people.

I'm completely nuts.

The sad thing is that I wanted to stay even later than I did last night in order to get more done without being interrupted by phone calls and other crap, but my eyes started crossing. I decided I'd better take my sorry ass home rather than stay and possibly end up making stupid mistakes.

At least my paycheck two Fridays from now is going to ROCK.

I might end up in a padded room, but I'll have made loads of money in the process of my breakdown.

Ahh...the American Dream! Make craploads of money and end up insane.

Well, maybe not so much the last part.

Happy Wednesday!

Listening to: Immigrant Blue's CD playing in my head
Reading: The Nanny Diaries
Feeling: sleepy and semi-dazed


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