09.29.2004 11:21 a.m.
Getting better

If you don't read my comments, you might not know that my lovely, wonderful, FANTASTIC husband did the dishes and took the UPS to the trash for me yesterday...all before he read my diary entry. Woo! Go honey! Things started looking up after that.


This morning on my way into work, the sky was amazing. In front of me was this thick line of clouds, above which I could see the light and faded moon peeking out. The sky was all blues and reds and pinks and oranges. The sun was rising behind me...all orange and brilliant light. Awesome.

It was my "moment of zen" before arriving at the goat rodeo that is my job.

I just have to get through today (preferably without killing anyone), and then tonight there will be ogling of pretty ladies on America's Next Top Model, followed by drooling over Taye Diggs on Kevin Hill. Then on with the kick-ass forensics and science-nerd goodness when I switch it to CSI: New York.

I feel like painting something tonight. Or writing. I feel like creativity is flowing through me again, and I just have to find the right outlet for it.

Too bad creativity isn't going to help me pay for school. We've been researching ways to save and pay for my school the last few days. I found something over the weekend that I think MIGHT work for a good amount of what I'll need, but I need to do further research.

Once again while I was driving home last night, I was acutely aware that I'd love to be in a class, any class, right now. Even a class of the math variety. I need to expand my brain again.



Food I'm craving: the damn Pennsylvania chocolate in the kitchen
Song in my head this morning: "I won't" - Keri Noble


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