09.15.2004 2:28 p.m.
Crappy Day

Today blows goats.

It seems like it would be a full moon today or something.

We knew our one system would be down today, because we had to install the new update to it. I was fine with that.

So then, my officemate tried to go to some website and it infected her computer with data miners, hijacking programs, viruses, etc. So, the IT guy was going to copy another guy's hard drive to her system.

He ended up blowing up (not literally like with the smoke and the flames and stuff) the guy's computer instead. Oops.

So then he had to find another person's system to copy, to fix the other two that were now busted.

The two computers are fixed, but the one system is still down. I could have done about as much work as I've done here if I'd just stayed in bed this morning.

I'm also stressed about my husband's review tonight. There's a whole big thing going on with his raise and promotion and review right now. Apparently his manager has some big plan in mind so that he's not actually screwing my husband. For now, though, it looks like he is. I guess things won't be totally out in the open until at least next week. All I know is that he really deserves a promotion, and we could definitely use the money from a big raise.

I hate waiting. It is surely not my forte.

Food I'm craving: cookies
Song in my head this morning: "Baby Did a Bad, Bad Thing" - Chris Issak


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