04.26.2004 12:02 p.m.
Weekend fun with ADHD

It's nice to know that even though we may do some grown-up things (i.e. making a delicious dinner of pasta with shrimp and cream sauce), my husband and I are actually 18-year-old frat boys. We were re-making the bed last night, as we generally do every night, and we were having trouble figuring out which way the flat sheet went. Then finally we both said, "Oh, that's right. The spooge stain goes at the top."

Yes, we really are THAT disgusting.

(Note to self: Time to wash the bedding again)

There you go. Everything you never really wanted to know about me, in a nutshell.



We had a pretty good weekend. Spent quality time with the poster child for ADHD (aka my stepdaughter).

I have no idea what happened. She used to just be slightly hyper on occasion, but now I think it's turning into straight-up ADHD. If you listen to her talk, she's got about 13 different things she's trying to say at once, and takes her sweet time deciding (while still talking) which one of them she wants to actually tell you. I've lost count of how many times we had to tell her to "calm down a little bit...please just try to act NORMAL" because she was jumping up and down when we were standing in line at Panera, or bouncing up and down in the shopping cart at the grocery store, etc. Sweet Jeebies.

We actually got a surprising amount of work done around the house while we had her, too. Usually, getting anything DONE with her around is pretty much a pipe dream. This weekend I mowed the lawn while my husband did some landscaping. He and Alex picked up sticks in the yard. We bought a couple of trellises for the black-eyed susan vines to climb when we get some again.

After dropping her off at her mom's yesterday, we ran to the grocery store for a few ingrediants I needed to make dinner (Shrimp Pasta Miguel - a recipe my ex invented), and then went home and started cooking. Dinner was delicious.

Then there was the usual TV watching (TLC), some nice lovin', and bedtime. Woo!

All in all, it was a pretty good weekend.

I'm still trying to figure out when we'll be going over to visit gnomad and the Diva so I can get my wrist tattoo. I was hoping for next weekend, but I don't know if I'm going to make it. I doubt I'll have the money. Plus, I kind of want to make it a reward after I lose a few pounds. THAT might actually help me to get my (now giant) ass in gear.

Let's all keep our fingers crossed, kids. Mama needs to look good for her pictures in July!

Food I'm craving: ANYTHING. I'm starving.
Song in my head: "Sin Wagon" - Dixie Chicks


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