03.01.2004 10:33 a.m.

This weekend was WONDERFUL. The weather was absolutely fantastic, and it allowed us to take Alex to the park to feed the ducks and geese, and let her run off some steam.

It's been way too cold to go outside for FAR too long.

We had a great time, giving loaves of bread to all the other kids who were in the park (we were never going to use all of what we had), and meeting an old lady who had run away from her nursing home. She tried to make off wtih my husband's camera tripod at one point, and tried to walk off with our giant bag of bread. It turned out that she'd run away from Upjohn Nursing Home, and was found in the park after being tracked by police dogs. She walked QUITE a long way!

That was interesting...


I must say, it was with an inner sigh of relief that I told Alex that the scratches on my arm were from the kitty not wanting to go into her carrier to go to the vet last week. If it hadn't been 7 months as of February 21st that I haven't SIed in, I might have had to quickly make something up. Then again, I probably wouldn't have been wearing a short sleeve shirt.

Hooray for (hopefully) kicking the self-injury habit for good!


I can't believe it's March 1st already. Time is FLYING by! Only 17 days until we leave for New Orleans! HOORAY!

Food I'm craving: nothing. My stomach hurts.
Song in my head: Umm..."I want to go BACK TO BED!" on repeat. (Okay, so it's not a song.)


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