03.01.2004 12:02 p.m.
Feeling like crap, but at least I LOOK pretty



I feel like ASS right now. Or like something someone chewed up and spit out.

It started last night with a bit of a sore throat.

This morning I woke up with an EVEN MORE SORE throat.

Now it's evolved into a sore throat, rotten-feeling stomach, and a fever that includes tremendous body pain.


I don't HAVE TIME to be sick right now, dammit!

Flu, flu

go AWAY!

Come again...never!


Hmm...what does one eat for lunch when one feels like they may hork up the ibuprofen they just swallowed, in an attempt to get rid of the fever?


By the way my co-workers are reacting today, you'd like I'd never worn a dress before. I think nearly everyone has complimented me on it, and people keep telling me I'm "all dressed up." Um, I wear skirts about once every two weeks, people. Get with it.

But, when Bec called me a "hottie little bitch" this morning on the way out of our meeting, it made me laugh. She's a funny, funny woman.

Food I'm craving: ugh. don't mention food.
Song in my head: the pounding of my headache


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