02.13.2004 4:08 p.m.
Random thoughts

~Sometimes I feel like my brain is a rollercoaster that is creeping creeping creeping up a giant hill, but never goes down.

~The soundtrack in my brain just switched from "Bang bang Maxwell's silver hammer came down on his head" by the Beatles to "Get Off" by Prince. Hmm...

~I think I've been at work for about 16 hours already today, which makes me wonder how in the hell it can only be 4:10 PM right now.

~I can't wait to see my husband tonight.

~I think the Stacker 3 and the sugar cookies I had for lunch are REALLY messing with my blood sugar.

~It's so funny how I sit on my ass all day at work, and get so tired doing it that all I want to do is go home and sit on my ass on the couch. Shouldn't I really want to STAND for a change instead?

~I LOVE finding new diaries. Especially ones where I feel like I have so much in common with the writers.


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