02.02.2004 10:24 a.m.
Ghosts? and What a bargain!

This weekend was pretty good to me overall, but ENTIRELY TOO SHORT. I think I needed one more CHILD-FREE day to relax and collect myself. Oh well. At least I've got Friday off.

So, let's see...highlights...highlights...

Well, a big one is a possible return of ghostly activity.

On Saturday afternoon, my step-daughter, husband and I were all in the family room upstairs. Cartoons were on the TV, Alex was drawing on(stabbing at) her Magna Doodle on the floor, and my husband was sitting on the (cat pee) couch reading a photography magazine. I was standing up and looking at a catalog because I didn't want to sit on any of the cat pee furniture.

All of a sudden, I heard this giant cracking noise. I looked at Alex first, of course, as she generally is the cause of loud thuds, bangs, and booms. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

I looked over at my husband, and I saw that the glass in one of the four pictures that were hanging on the wall above his head was split perfectly down the middle. I pointed it out, and we looked at each other like "What the...?" I felt the wall to see if the fact that we have NO INSULATION in our exterior walls might have caused the picture to get so cold that the glass split. No go there. Plus, if that were the case, it would seem that more than one picture would crack. Right?

That apparently wasn't it.

Does anyone have any natural explanations for such an event? Remember, no one touched it. No one was even near it, except for my husband, and he was so involved in his magazine that there's no way he could have reached up and punched it or something.

If I don't get any logical natural explanations, I'm going with the ghost theory.


Let's see... What else?

This weekend involved watching two really good movies late at night while my husband slept on the couch. Friday night was Better Than Chocolate (lesbians!) and Saturday night was High Art (lesbians and MASSIVE drug use!)...both great movies that I'd seen before, but still really like.

This weekend also involved SHOPPING DEALS! A trip to the mall yesterday netted me a $200 jacket for $25.46. A trip to T.J. Maxx got me a really nice jacket and pants suit (originally $72 for the pants and $44 for the jacket) for $12.99 per piece. A cute suit for $26...who wouldn't love that?!?!?

Of course, this means I spent a LEETLE bit of money this weekend. Oops! Oh well. Hopefully we'll get our first bonus for this big project at work soon. I could certainly use the cash!


Phrase of the weekend...

Alex (talking to herself in the backseat while we were driving to her mom's): "Once upon a time, there was a little monkey...named Daddy."

Food I'm craving: breakfast sausage


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