01.29.2004 9:39 a.m.
100 Things

Taken from TranceJen.


1. Copy this whole list into your journal.

2. Bold the things that you have in common with me.

3. Whatever you don't bold, replace with things about you. Take note, ALL 100 are about me, the bold ones I have in common with Trancejen. You bold what you have in common with me then make up new things about YOU for the rest.

Please add a comment if you do it so that I can come read it!

01. I am a water addict and have between 2 and 4 liters of water a day.

02. I think the best sound in the world is good rock and roll.

03.I like to read.

04. I'm pretty content with my life the way it is right now.

05. I seem to make up new and creative ways to hurt myself every day.

06. My mother and I have definitely had our ups and downs.

07. I have some regrets, but there's nothing I would change.

08. I wear glasses at times, but I usually wear contact lenses.

09. I like to cook.

10. I like cats.

11. I dislike my current job with a passion, but I stay for the money.

12. I've always wanted to travel to Europe.

13. I've never been to Bermuda.

14. My favorite color is red.

15. I never graduated from college. YET.

16. I enjoy a variety of musical styles.

17. I like to spend a lot of time by myself.

18. I love to go out dancing.

19. I want to travel (some of) the world.

20. I am SO not a morning person.

21. If I actually see the sun rise, I'm not surprised.

22. I don�t like certain foods, and I don't have to eat them. Yay for being an adult!

23. I love the smell of coffee.

24. I have been employed in fields far from my original career ambition.

25. My biggest vice is self-destruction.

26. I consider myself very intuitive.

27. I am extremely creative.

28. I do not see much of my extended family.

29. I was a perfectionist, but I have become more forgiving with time, of myself and others.

30. I almost always finish a book once I start it, even if it�s bad. Getting better about not wasting my time these days and have chucked the occasional stinky book before grinding through to the end.

31. I have three pillows on my bed. Two for my husband's and my heads, and one to put between my knees.

32. I love baby animals. Like who�s going to say, �Damn, kittens suck!�???

33. I have no use for pretentious people. Another no brainer.

34. I think I'd rather live in the future than in the past.

35. I am tolerant of different points of view, but I don�t have to like it.

36. I am not as wealthy as I'd like to be. Who is?

37. I vote in every race and primary I can.

38. I usually like being in the spotlight.

39. My parents have been married for 29 years.

40. I have always had leadership qualities, and am usually good at delegating.

41. I really enjoy thoughtful gifts, even if they cost nothing.

42. I live to make people laugh and smile.

43. I have one (step-)child.

44. I can't grow nice nails.

45. I have limited patience.

46. I love coleslaw.

47. I fall more and more in love with my husband each day.

48. I have never watched The Bachelor.

49. I obsess when my computer isn't working right.

50. I don't like to drive.

51. I like silence at times.

52. I'm a spiritual person but I have no use for organized religion. Amen! *snort*

53. I possess an above-average I.Q.

54. I try not to procrastinate a lot.

55. I think one can never have too much nail polish.

56. Some types of snakes scare me.

57. I still enjoy coloring books and crayons.

58. I used to have so much on my plate I often became overwhelmed.

59. I am not a member of the mile high club.

60. I obsess over the location of my keys and purse.

61. I HATE being unemployed.

62. I have always strived to do what's right, but it doesn't always happen that way.

63. I overreact about things sometimes.

64. I surround myself with really great people. Get stuck with a lot not so great people, too�sigh.

65. I often remember my dreams.

66. I like to people watch.

67. I like witty people.

68. Right now I would much prefer to be lying on a beach somewhere, with a great book, a frosty beverage and my husband next to me.

69. I LOVE water. I get depressed if I haven't been in a pool or larger body of water in a long time.

70. I have smoked pot.

71. I wear minimal jewelry. Everything is either silver or white gold.

72. I love, love, love candles.

73. I love my online friends.

74. I have learned to say no.

75. I occasionally enjoy making mean/bigoted/stupid people squirm on their own nasty hooks.

76. I am able to have multiple orgasms other than by masturbation. Wow, that just got really personal!

77. I usually only buy a new pair of sunglasses every few years.

78. My bra and panties almost never match.

79. I love my men intelligent, funny, and above all-respectful.

80. I love learning more than anything.

81. I own a vibrator. *snort* More like several.

82. My boobs are natural. (Like they'd be this small otherwise?)

83. I love the water and I swim like a dolphin.

84. I'm terrified of bee stings, even though I'm not allergic.

85. I love to fly.

86. I daydream sometimes.

87. I have had a couple of panic attacks.

88. I have been spanked by a lover. Dear God...

89. I think there are some parents out there that need to take lessons in keeping their children under control when out in public.

90. I am usually not easily annoyed, though I do have my moments.

91. I am easily amused.

92. I'm ready for this list thing to be over.

93. I think Michael Jackson should be publicly flogged and stripped of all money ***IF*** He is convicted.

94. I don't have a ton of true friends, but I love the hell out of the ones I have and value them highly.

95. I have secrets. I know lots of your secrets too!

96. I always appreciate honesty, even if the truth sometimes hurts.

97. I like to help people.

98. I miss my grandfather.

99. I buy things for people just because.

100. I'm glad this is done!

Food I'm craving: cookies and frosting (gotta love horomones!)


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