01.02.2004 10:47 a.m.
Cliff Notes version

Since I don't have much time to slack today, due to year-end bullshit, I'll try to sum up as quickly as possible...

New Years Eve was lovely, with my taking a day off, and some errand running, and a bit of cleaning, and movies galore (Drumline, Corky Romano, A Knight's Tale, The Saint, Big Trouble), and a bit of smoky-smoky, and some excellent last-time-of-the-year lovin', and just missing the ball dropping but toasting with champagne anyway.

New Years Day involved sleeping until 11 AM, getting ready, driving an hour to visit with good friends and meet their kitties, and eat a GREAT meal prepared by the lady of the house. A tiny bit of medicinal (for one of us) and recreational (for two of us) herbal refreshment later, laughter abounded. The 3/4 of a bottle of Pinot Grigio I drank by myself helped increase the merriment a bit. Stories and memories and much laughter later, we headed for home. I, of course, fell asleep in the car. Woke up shortly before we arrived home. Enjoyed many hours of Clean Sweep on TV, and did a load of laundry so I could clothe myself at work today. Dropped into bed, exhausted.

This morning involved the following situation:

alarm clock: beep beep beep

my husband: "Hon, it's seven o' clock."

Me, a minute later: "Seven o'clock is DUMB."

I still agree with that statement. Especially after I was getting ready, and took my makeup case out of the closet only to drop a comb on the floor in the hallway. Got my foundation out of my makeup case, took off the cap, attempted to set it on the edge of the sink, and threw it on the floor behind the toilet instead. Swore. Picked it up. Applied concealer, and removed my loose powder from my makeup case. Threw the powder puff on the floor. Threw the piece of paper I keep in there in the sink. Picked both up. Swore. Finally got some damn powder on my face. Finished the rest of my makeup without incident.

Now today is busy, busy, busy and work, work, work and it feels like a Monday. Bah. It doesn't help that I get to come in tomorrow to work as well. Oh well. At least it'll be overtime. Added onto the 6.5 hours I've accumulated through the last week. W00t! Big paychecks rock!

Happy Friday everyone!


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