11.21.2003 11:12 a.m.
Uh oh

I've been very cranky lately. I'm retaining water like crazy. My rings have to be SHOVED onto my fingers in the morning (even after I take a diuretic the night before). My breasts have been tender. My ovaries have felt weird.

I'm not supposed to have PMS until this Sunday or so.

Crap. If I'm pregnant or something, I think I might have to kill myself.

How could I be pregnant, though? It's not like we've been fekkin' like rebbits or anything lately. I haven't missed any of my pills. I don't get it. Hopefully this is just an anomaly.

I think I'll just keep my fingers crossed for the next two weeks, just in case. If anyone wants to send me "Not pregnant" thoughts too, I'd appreciate it.

There seems to be a rash of pregnancies around me lately. One of my co-workers has a 6 year old and 4 year old triplets (fertility drugs). His wife is pregnant again. Oops!

This was definitely an unplanned pregnancy. He has a hard time affording the ones he has now, even on a lawyer's salary. I have no idea how he'll be able to feed 5 kids instead of 4. Especially with the way his wife tends to spend his money. He had to work really hard to convince her that they DIDN'T need a $750,000 house a few months back. (She's a PART TIME teacher.)

*shakes head*

Maybe there's something in the water...

I'd better stay away from it, just in case.


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