11.17.2003 12:54 p.m.

Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.

It has been 3 days since my last diary entry.

I'm very, very sorry. I was just too busy farting around and getting my picture taken on Friday to write!


Having last Friday off was GREAT. It's definitely an experience I'd like to repeat again. I slept in until about 9 am, woke up and checked e-mail and did stuff on the computer, and finally got in the shower when my husband finished up his conference call. But first I got to hear him yelling LOUDLY downstairs at the other people on the call. Apparently they were being stupid or something. Why am I NOT shocked?

We went to get breakfast around 11:45 am, did some errands, and went back home. I had to glue some fake nails on for the photo shoot that afternoon.

The shoot went pretty well, I guess. The photographer doesn't have much experience shooting models, as he's a photojournalist, plus it was FREEZING outside, so we got a few good things, but not as much as I'd hoped.

Saturday, though, we got some EXCELLENT stuff. I came home with a CD containing 93 images, and immediately when I got home I threw 9 images up on my modeling profile without even editing them. They were THAT GOOD. I am SO pleased with the way they turned out.

Oh, and I had another photographer tell me that I have a GREAT butt and really nice nipples. *grin* Perhaps there's some truth in that after all...

He also commented on my "fuzzy patch," as I call it. Thanks to genetics and my incredibly hairy father, I have a lovely amount of fine little blond hairs all over my body. I have a little patch where there's more of it right over the base of my spine. Old boyfriends would make fun of it, but my husband likes it, as does the photographer I guess. It's now made famous by appearing on my modeling profile.

(If you want the address to it, e-mail me or sign my guestbook.)

I LOVE the shots from Saturday's shoot. LOVE LOVE LOVE them.

Did I mention that I LOVE them?

Yeah. I do.

Okay, enough about that.

Guess what? It's my birthday! Whoo hoo! I am officially 24 years old today.

Tonight Courtney and Chrysee are taking me to a local topless club for my traditional birthday dance. (I'm pretending that one year of getting a birthday dance means that it's now a tradition. Shut up. Don't argue with the birthday girl.) Whoo hoo!

Too bad my husband isn't home... But, like I told him..."That's ok. I'll have another birthday next year."



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