11.10.2003 2:09 p.m.
So, I'm thinking...

-My Philosophy teacher should hand us either a joint or a tab of acid when we first walk in the classroom, just to get us in the right "Whoa, man" mindset before we start talking about mind-blowing concepts. Because then I get done there, and I come back to work, and I sit here and STARE at my computer for the rest of the day. Not good!

-I am SO HAPPY to be auditing Russian. I already picked up the form, filled it out, and now I just have to drop it off in the school's office after work. WHOO HOO!

-Of course, not going to class tonight doesn't mean I'll be out partying instead or anything. I have big plans with a few loads of laundry and either my treadmill or my Pilates DVD. W00t!

-I am SO HAPPY we finally got the yard work done over the weekend. Of course, it did take nearly 5 hours of freezing my ass off, and my arms and legs still hurt, but it was worth it. We SO needed to mow and rake, and every time I thought about doing it, it would be pouring rain outside.

-Matrix Revolutions ROCKED. One thing, though: How can someone who is so supernaturally powerful still be so frail?

Anyone? Anyone?

-We went to see Pirates of the Carribbean last night after dropping the munchkin off at her mom's. That movie KICKED SOME SERIOUS ASS.

Perhaps it's just due to the fact that I'd happily get naughty with any of the main characters.

Johnny Depp?

Why not?

Johnny Depp WITH his eyeliner, gold teeth, and British accent?


Orlando Bloom?


Keira Knightly?

Okay, sure.

I thought I was over the whole men-in-eyeliner thing after the breakup with my first boyfriend. Apparently not.


-It was a great weekend. I want MORE!


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