10.31.2003 2:47 p.m.

I am so excited for my photo shoot tomorrow that I'm nearly dancing in my chair right now.

Or maybe it's because I have to pee.



Okay, either way, I'm excited for tomorrow. Granted, I'm going to have to get up around 6:30 am to get ready in order to be in Grand Rapids by 9 am, but it will be worth it.

I also have to paint my nails and toenails tonight, go out in search of some hair stuff that you can put on your roots to make them less noticeable, and bleach my teeth for another hour. It takes a lot of preparation to be pretty!


Okay, maybe not pretty. Presentable, anyway.

I'm quite excited, though. The photographer and I have been e-mailing back and forth all week, sharing ideas for shots and moods we'd like to create. WHOO HOO!


Happy Halloween everyone! Have a Blessed Samhain!


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