10.20.2003 8:59 a.m.

It is over. It's done.

Popcorn is now lying peacefully and without pain, wrapped in a fleece baby blanket within a handsome circular basket, beneath the maple tree in my parents' backyard. His grave will soon be marked by a headstone-shaped rock with a plaque on it that reads:

Popcorn S*****


The process was quite sad, but the vets were awesome. They were very matter-of-fact about how the process would go, and what he might do. He went with dignity, though, without the shaking and seizing they told us might happen. He just...stopped. Stopped breathing. Stopped being.

My sister and I sat there and petted him for a while after...until the heat began to drain from his body. Then I put him in the basket, curled up like he used to sleep. After that was done, we toasted him.

I think it went as well as it could have. He went with dignity, and I felt relief that I had a part in helping him to go before his health got MUCH worse. He will always be my baby boy.


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