09.26.2003 3:18 p.m.
Random Friday Afternoon Thoughts

*My sweater smells like cat pee. It's highly disturbing. I went to KMart at lunch, bought some Febreeze, and sprayed it on the parts I thought stank, but I can STILL smell it. I just hope that none of my co-workers recognizes the smell.

*My kitties are evil. Whichever one peed on this sweater should get a whoopin'. (Yeah, right. Like I'd hurt them. I'm a softie.)

*I'm glad my husband got to come home a few hours earlier than he thought he was going to. I'm supposedly going to get a massage from him when we get home from the airport. Whoo hoo!

*Crap. That means I have EVEN LESS time to clean up the house and pretend that I'm not as big of a pig as I am.

*Maybe I'll actually remember to give him the anniversary card I forgot to bring with me last week.

*I'm VERY MUCH looking forward to my haircut next Thursday night.

*I'm totally dreading the bikini wax I'm getting right after work next Thursday. I've only ever had one before (the day before my wedding) and I remember thinking it would be an excellent form of torture for someone. If it wasn't so damn effective, I wouldn't be doing it again.

*I now have at least 4 photo shoots booked for the next two months! Whoo hoo! I'm so excited to see if anyone can make me look good in pictures. I think of myself as not very photogenic AT ALL, so it will be interesting to see if anyone can change my mind about that.

*Dear GOD, it's only 3:30 PM right now. I wish I could wave a magic wand and it would be 5 already.


Earlier entry from today is here.


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