08.25.2003 3:34 p.m.
Weekend fun

JeeZUS! Finally freaking caught up on files. Mondays are insane usually, but when I'm the only one doing my particular kind of work, they're even busier. Thank GOD there's a bit of a lull right now.

Aw, crap. I probably just jinxed myself, and The File Girl will come in in a few minutes with like 4 files piled up in her arms. Crap. And damn. Oh well. Good thing I'm staying a bit late tonight to get some more comp time for ditching work to go to school for an hour around lunch time. Whoo hoo! Then I get to go to Russian at 6 pm! Wheeee! I'm sort of excited about that, actually.


My weekend.

It was EXCELLENT. Full of bits and pieces each of partying like it was 1999 and being incredibly lazy. On Saturday night Courtney, my husband and I went to the BOB in Grand Rapids to meet up with some of her friends. After eating a delicious meal at Bobarino's, we headed to Whammer Jammers to check out the dueling piano action. We had free tickets to the 10 PM comedy show at Dr. Grin's, but ended up having so much fun at the piano bar that we stayed.

I won't go into too many details, but I'll just say that towards the end of our time there, Courtney and I ended up on stage with 2 other women to sing Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody." It kicked some serious ass.

After hanging out there for a while, we went down to Crush to dance for a bit. They played some GREAT songs, both "booty music" and techno, and we were rockin' out. We had an awesome time. Fun stuff. Ended up not getting home until about 3:30 AM, and not going to bed until about 4 AM. Blah.

That was probably why we ended up sleeping until 3 pm yesterday. Heh. We're LAZY. But, you know, sometimes it's good to have days of rest and relaxation. And saying, "Just 15 more minutes and then we'll get up" for about 4 hours...


So, that's about it from this weekend. Not a whole lot to report.

Tomorrow, I think I'll post pictures from our LIVING ROOM REDECORATION PROJECT. Won't that be fun? I'm sure it will!

Happy Monday.


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