08.22.2003 8:34 a.m.
Friday ramblings

Guess what?

My hair is red! W00t!

Here's what it looks like...

You like?

I like...


This morning? I thought it was going to be a wonderful day, as I have cute hair, and it's Pay Day, and it's Friday and blah blah blah...

But then I attempted to get my right contact in 9 freaking times and never could get it to stay on my damn eyeball, so I gave up. Grrr... It went something like this:

-get contact settled on finger

-put one or two drops saline in it

-stick it to eyeball


-contact ends up crumpled up under lower eyelid


-repeat times eight

The stress of the contact made me all sweaty, so trying to put on makeup this morning was pretty much an exercise in futility.

When I was still in high school, I used to think that however easily my contacts went in was a sign of how my day was going to be. (Shut up. I have strange obsessive-compulsive behaviors and odd superstitions.) I'm wearing my glasses today. I wonder how shitty today will end up being?

Gah. I'm sure it will be a lovely day. Except I feel like I have PMS, but I don't.

*grumble grumble*


You know what I've had running through my head since yesterday? "We're gonna get high!...'Cause it's Friday, you ain't got a job...you ain't got shit to do!" Heh. That movie (Friday) cracks me up.

Hmm... Was I going somewhere with that?

Eh, knowing me...probably not.




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