08.12.2003 6:29 p.m.
This is NOT an infomercial

Want to see something disgusting?

Here ya go:

THAT is a giant pile of nasty cat hair.

Wanna see where it came from?

Well, this is the origin. For some reason she's had an obsession lately with standing on my treadmill. Maybe she has a secret desire to lose weight. Who knows?

(Special bonus: You can see the dining room and NEW!! living room colors in the above picture.)

You know that first gross picture? It all came off of this rug:

Amazing, isn't it?

Would you like to know how I got all that disgusting hair off of that rug?

With the Pet Hair Magnet. This thing is the best tool ever invented, I think.

I had vacuumed this rug with THREE DIFFERENT VACUUMS and the rug still looked dirty and faded. We thought we were going to have to buy a new rug. We bought this thing at the store (we paid like $14.97 for it) and thought, "What the hell? We'll try it out." It worked like a CHAHM. I highly recommend it to ALL pet owners.

And now back to your regularly scheduled programming...


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