08.11.2003 8:53 a.m.

I had a GREAT weekend! I did something I haven't done in a LONG time, did something I've NEVER done before, and it....was....awesome!

Saturday my friend Courtney came over to our house early, and we all went out to the drop zone for the first time since the accident. Courtney had never been out to the drop zone, so we brought her with us this time. I think she had fun! She had so many questions about gear and different aspects of skydiving, and I was impressed with myself that I actually was able to answer most of them! I've gained so much knowledge in that area, it's crazy. *grin*

So, my husband got one jump in before thunderheads moved in, and manifest decided to try to get all the students up before they let fun jumpers go up. We ended up taking off without my husband making the second jump he wanted to. Oh well. At least he got one jump in.

After we got back from the drop zone, my husband and I hung out for a while, and I tried to sleep, but couldn't because my head was spinning. I don't know what the hell was wrong with me. We went to Meijers to get some fish for dinner, and I almost passed out. It was unfun. After a delicious meal of stuffed salmon and wild rice, though, I felt better. Thank God, because then I was able to get ready to go out to meet Courtney and Dave at Shanks On Ice, which is a sports bar that sits over a hockey rink, so you can drink AND watch hockey! We had a beer there, then headed to Bresa Del Rio to drink and listen to country music. I had never been there, but heard it was a pretty fun place. As soon as we walked in, and I saw all the cowboy hats and boots, I sort of wanted to walk right back out. But, I thought "What the hell" and decided to make the best of it.

Apparently my definition of "making the best of it" means "getting so freaking drunk that everything seems SUPER FUN". After the beer I had at Shanks, I also had about 4 (5?) glasses of beer and then two shots of Tequila Rose and a Jello Shot at Bresa Del Rio. We ended up having an AWESOME time, though! Courtney and I got on the dance floor during the couple times they were just doing a modified version of the Electric Slide. We also danced regular club style to Lady Marmalade. I got on the dance floor for the Cha Cha Slide. A few times I realized that I could have just watched people and figured out how to do certain line dances if I were more sober, but being drunk, it was too hard for me to learn right there.

Courtney and I decided that we're DEFINITELY going to go back sometime! It was a GREAT time! I can't believe I had that much fun at a hick bar!

Sunday I was feeling the effects of the great time I had the night before. I was horribly hung over. Sleeping until 1 in the afternoon sort of helped, but I was still moving pretty slowly yesterday. After a breakfast of champions involving fries and Frosty's from Wendy's, I was feeling slightly better.

I had to drop my husband off at the airport before 4 pm, and then went to Courtney's to hang out with her. We ended up going downtown for a free concert in the park, caught the very last song of it (Ooh, that was worth it!), and went to Olde Peninsula for some food with her friend Eric and his friend Leah. Leah seemed nice enough, but there was just something about her that made me want to kick her in the head. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what it was about her that put me off. Eh, who knows?

After eating some munchies there, we headed out to her mom and stepdad's new house to visit with them. I hadn't seen her mom in about two years, so it was nice to see her again. The house they're building is going to be BEAUTIFUL when it's done. Right now it's all exposed plywood and exposed electrical, but I can tell it's going to be AMAZING when it's done.

After visiting with them for about an hour and a half, we were both exhausted, so we decided to head home. I got home and painted my nails and toenails, which I'd been wanting to do for a few days. I also finally got my sewing kit out of my car, so I was able to sew up a hole in a top and hem a pair of pants that I'd been meaning to do. I love to sew. I think I might want to make a skirt or something for myself sometime soon. Of course, I'd have to bother my mom to use her sewing machine, so... Eh, I might still do that. I like having projects to do.

Last night, I actually SLEPT. I remembered to put the body pillow in bed with me, so the bed didn't feel as huge and empty. I also took a couple Benadryl before I went to sleep since I was sneezing my head off, which probably helped. I got SLEEP! I didn't fight bad guys all night, I didn't have horrible night sweats... It was GREAT! No breakdown in the future for me anymore! Whoo hoo! You all can stop watching for a story about me going on a killing spree on the news for a while. Heh.


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