07.21.2003 2:26 p.m.
weather and things

The weather doesn't suit my mood at all today.

I wish it was the black sky, vertical lightning, swirling clouds, hard driving rain of yesterday. That would better suit me.

Oh well. I guess I don't get to pick the weather.


I'm currently drinking a chocolate malt. I was hungry, but every single thing I eat lately causes my stomach to feel like it's eating itself, so I don't want to eat anything solid. I need to start carrying Maalox around with me or something. Or I need to go to the doctor to see if there's actually something wrong with me.

Then again, they might stick something up my butt to diagnose me. Never mind. No doctor for me. I'll just avoid food for the next....few months or so.


I want another tattoo. REALLY DAMN BAD. I want the Kanji (chinese character) for strength on my right wrist. My husband said it's a visible tattoo, and any job I have in the future won't like it. But if it's on the inside of my wrist, and it's not very big, I wonder if it would really be THAT big of a deal? Hmm...


UPDATE at 3 PM: It's now storming. Whoo hoo!


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