06.19.2003 9:53 a.m.
Looking HOT and more cat fun

Last night I went from being a redhead with giant caramal highlights to being a pretty much full-on blond.


I am looking damn fine today, if I do say so myself. New blonde hair, contacts in (royal blue, thank you very much), wearing a new Rampage dress that I bought on eBay with high heeled loafers. I? Look good.

When my stylist asked me what I wanted to do to my hair last night, I told her that I wanted to go blonde, and we could do that however she wanted. "Color it then highlight it, or just highlight it with a cap, or whatever." After a bit more discussion, I said, "You know what? I think just highlight the hell out of it."

This is why I love my stylist, why I've been going to her for more than four years, and why I will keep going to her. I can give her instructions like "highlight the hell out of it" and it turns out exactly how I wanted it. We have some sort of connection when it comes to my hair. I think of new ways I want it, and she does it, pretty much without me having to explain. We're like, BONDED, yo.


(I'll take pictures tonight and post them tomorrow.)


The cats have been monsters lately. I'm not just saying that because of the fact that when Callie was sitting on the headboard this morning, she sneezed, and snot (or something) somehow landed on my forehead. Ick. Thanks, kitty.

They are QUITE unhelpful when it comes to me exercising. The past week or so, I've been doing my crunches/lower ab exercises/leg lifts/push-ups combination instead of running on the treadmill, because I have some sort of sick connection to the big screen t.v. (The big screen is downstairs, treadmill is on the main floor.)

The cats think me being on the ground is just so that I'm in a better position to pet them. So, I'll be doing lower ab things, and Az will sit down by where my feet are when my legs are fully extended, and smell them every time they come near her. Not only does it tickle, but it's also pretty darn distracting. Callie likes to walk under my bent legs REPEATEDLY while I'm doing crunches. Or she'll walk where my head goes when I come back down from doing a crunch, so I hit my head on her. Or she'll just lay right along the side of me and look all cute so I'll pet her.

Of course, then there are the times when they're not being all cute for me. There are the times when they are chasing each other around at top speeds, trying to kill each other, and I'm afraid to even get on the floor because I don't want to risk a psychotic kitty parade running across my face or something. That doesn't exactly help me exercise either.

It's a damn good thing they're cute. Otherwise we'd have two tiny kitty rugs by now.


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