06.08.2003 9:28 p.m.
Precious Little Angel - FOR SALE

This weekend was filled with a possessed child and fun.

Well, more one than the other.

I have no idea if she finally heard someone mention the phrase "Terrible Twos" or what, but the child has definitely come fully into it now. She was full of piss and vinegar ALL WEEKEND LONG.

Mind you, sometimes she's so incredibly cute I just want to bow down to her, but at other times, I'm convinced she is indeed the Spawn of Satan. (I've met her mother. It's entirely possible.)

Speaking of her mother, I laugh and laugh every time I remember her saying "I'm worried that she's hardly talking. She should be talking more by now."

That child said more this weekend than I think I've ever said in my entire life put together. When she wasn't telling elaborate stories, or asking bajillions of questions, she was counting from one through eight.

Have you ever heard a child count from one through eight about fifty-seven times in a row? Do you want to? I'll lend her to you for a while. You will get to experience the fun of a child screeching "One two three four five six seven eight" until you want to rip off your ears so you can't hear anymore.

In the car. At the breakfast place. In the park feeding ducks. While you're eating dinner. While she's swinging. While she's on the slide. At night, when she's supposed to be going to bed. In the bathtub. Dear God.

Of course, then there are moments like yesterday afternoon, when she was crying because she didn't want to take a nap. The reason? She was afraid "the kitties would come in and play with her toys" while she slept.

How freaking cute is that?

Just for fun, I'm including some pictures of Alex "helping" her daddy put together the tricycle we got her today. He threatened her with a nap if she didn't "calm her little butt down" about fourteen times during the fifteen minutes it took him to put her bike together. *grin*

Those are all the pictures I could take before she finally said, "Don't take any more pictures of me!" in her I-AM-in-charge-here voice.

Kids. Gotta love 'em.

They still frown on selling children to the Gypsies, right?


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