06.05.2003 9:41 a.m.
Cats on crack and more weird dreams

Azrael has developed some weird fascination lately with ceilings. Everywhere she goes, she sits there and spends at least 10 good minutes just staring at the ceiling. I'm thinking she's hoping she'll see a bug or a spider that she can watch. And if she's really good, maybe I'll knock it down for her so she can play with it. Or maybe she's just on crack, or hallucinating, and she sees really cool/trippy things on ceilings everywhere.

The bad thing about cats is that you can't say, "What the hell are you looking at?" and have them answer you. *grin*


So...weird dreams last night. I know I probably had about three dreams, but I only remember the last one. For some reason a lot of my dreams lately revolve around school and problems with school and scheduling classes and the like. (Well, except for the one dream where I killed a guy for some reason, and rolled his body over a cliff so no one would find him. But we're not going to talk about that.)

For some reason, I had been scheduled for like seven classes when I only wanted to take two. I was like, "What the hell? How am I going to take all these when I work full time?"

A kid standing near me said, "What's the problem? Just take them all!"

I grabbed him by the face, forced him to look at me, and said, "I work between 40 and 50 hours a week! I. DO. NOT. HAVE. TIME. TO. TAKE. ALL. THESE. CLASSES." I think I scared him. I know I scared myself with my anger and intensity.

I don't know if I'm nervous about going back to school in the fall after taking the summer off, or what. I have no idea. I don't think I am...

Anyone have any guesses as to what all my school-related dreams mean?


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