05.08.2003 8:57 a.m.
PAIN!!! and Pros vs. Cons

My body?

HURTS like a mutha. I would happily pay a million dollars (of someone else's money, since I don't happen to have that kind of cash) for an hour-long full body massage right now.

We had two cubic yards of dirt delivered for the front garden yesterday so as soon as I got home from work, I went upstairs, changed, and started helping my husband throw dirt around with a shovel. He'd say, "Can you throw a little more over here? There's a low spot." I would say, "Okay," but then it was a little experiment to see if my arms threw the dirt where my brain told them to. Toward the end, my arms revolted, and I kept pelting the house. Oops. At least we got it mostly done before it started to rain. Thank God for small favors.

Of course, my body hurt so badly last night that I told my husband if he touched my arms, I would have to kill him. Yes, it hurts that badly. It makes me wonder how I would feel if I hadn't been working out for the past five months...


I've decided that there are good parts and bad parts about my husband being home for the week.

Good parts?

-I actually get to see him.

-He took the garbage out to the curb last night.

-We're actually getting shit done on the house. YEAH!!!

-We could have sex if we wanted to.

Bad parts?

-He makes me eat dinner. I think I've gained like 4 pounds so far this week. Bleh.

-I have a habit of going to sleep on my side of the bed, and waking up on his. Apparently I move over during the course of the night. Since he's been home the past couple nights, he's accused me of trying to run him over in my sleep. I told him that he's just in my way. *grin*

-Last night we were cuddling on the couch while watching t.v., and the man insisted on trying to stick his tongue in my ear, trying to lick my nose, and putting me in headlocks. Eventually I said, "Don't you have somewhere to go yet?" I love him being home, but I don't love him trying to irritate the hell out of me.

-We've been too tired from working on the garden to have sex.

All in all, I'm enjoying him being home this week, though. Next week I start classes again, so I'm also enjoying my nights being free while I can.

I think I'm going to make an appointment with my massage therapist now. *grin*

Update: It freaking HURTS to staple anything. I'm walking around like an old lady today... *wailing* The pain! Oh, the pain!


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