04.24.2003 8:34 a.m.
The Longest Damn Day of the Week

Once again, it's Thursday. Thursdays are the longest damn day of the week. I don't even know what makes them so long. Part of it is being excited that I get to see my husband. Part of it is knowing that tomorrow is the blessed FRIDAY (and PAYDAY!). I don't know. All I know is that most Thursdays suck. I'll keep my fingers crossed that today doesn't actually seem like a Thursday.

Hmm...crossing my fingers might impede my working today. Darn.


A miracle occured last night. I retook my Chapter 5 Algebra test, and I got a FUCKING 94%!!!!! Praise God, or Satan, or whoever was in charge of that little surprise. I totally appreciate it. So, the grade for that test went up from a 56% to a 94%. Whoo hoo! That will totally help my overall grade! I'm going to study like a crazy woman for my Chapter 7 Test this weekend, and hopefully I'll do semi-okay on that one. I won't be getting a D in that class after all! Whoo hoo!!!!


The cats are evil. This morning, Callie (the big one) decided to show Az (the little one) that you can "get up on the headboard of the bed and knock shit off of it at the human. Then she yells. It's fun! Maybe if we annoy her enough she'll get up and feed us."

Just for the record, their plan didn't work. I would sleep for a few minutes, wake up when something went flying close to my head, yell at them incoherently, and then go back to sleep.


If you need a laugh today, go read this entry by owcowkee. It had me laughing so hard my office mate was getting freaked out. One word: Tourette's. 'Nuff said.


You know those sales that they have at arenas and places like that? The ones advertised on the radio with ads like, "Come down and see it! DVD players for $49!! Laptops for $100! Brand name jeans for $15! Brand name perfumes for $20! TVs for $30! Great deals! Come down and check it out!"?

Does anyone else ever think, "And it all fell off the backs of trucks!" at the end of it?


That's just me?

Well, alrighty then. Just checking.


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