03.21.2003 10:28 a.m.
Mr. Know-It-All

You know what?

I work with a man who KNOWS EVERYTHING. Everything, about every subject, ever. He knows how and when you should do your hair. He knows exactly what's going on with the economy. He knows where to travel and when to go.

Ever since the first stirrings of the war, he's known exactly what's going on with the war. Exactly what US troops have done and are going to do, exactly what Dubya is going to say, and exactly what effect this war will have on the stock markets from day to day. Apparently none of us realized that he is a master strategist, economist, and brilliant military mind. We think he's hiding some sort of secret red phone with a direct line to the President in his office.

OR, it could just be that the man likes to talk. I'll give you a few examples. One time, he had a meeting with a client. He kept talking to her in the lobby. The client walked out into the parking lot. He followed her, still talking. The woman basically had to RUN to escape him and his never-stopping mouth.

Another example: Yesterday he had a meeting with a client at 9:30 AM. He didn't get out of that meeting until 1:30 PM. I'm pretty sure they didn't have THAT many questions about their money. I'm pretty sure he was just holding them hostage, talking.

It's gotten to the point where I'm afraid to drop off files to him. I used to make the mistake of making eye contact when I put a file on his cart. Then I'd get stuck in his office for a half hour while he went on about how he used to travel a lot for his job, or his daughter, or how busy he was before his wedding, or the joys of any city in the US, or whatever was on his mind. Now I just drop the file and run.

It's amusing to our entire office that when he's in someone's office, he just sits down somewhere and STAYS there for hours. We've been known to call someone with a "question" just to save them from his endless droning.

Does anyone else know someone like this? How lucky are we to be able to have access someone who knows everything about everything?

I'm feeling so lucky today that I might just shut and lock the door to my office so he can't come in here to babble...

Guess who just walked in as I was finishing this up? *sigh*


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