03.10.2003 8:37 a.m.
There's no place like home

"There's no place like home. There's no place like home." And, after my second flight being delayed about 1/2 hour, I am home. Crashed in bed last night, and DID NOT want to wake up when the alarm went off. But, I did. And here I am at work. Meh.


You know what's fun? Not being able to talk. Actually, I'm kidding. It sucks. Big time. You might even say it sucks big ole donkey balls. I croak. I squeak. I grumble. If people read lips, I can get my point across. Otherwise it takes many times of them saying, "What??" and me repeating myself. In St. Louis, I just used my husband as my interpreter. He gave the waitresses my order at restaurants. He also laughed every time I attempted to speak. Bastard. Wait until I give whatever disease I currently have to him! Let's see how HE likes not being able to speak! HA!


St. Louis was a blast. We went and saw the Arch.

It cost $8 each to take a 4 minute ride up to the top of the arch in something that would have anybody with claustrophobia foaming at the mouth. It was TINY. About 5 minutes looking out various windows at the top and taking pictures, and then a 4 minute ride in the same itty bitty space-capsule like thing to the ground. My husband was feeling gyped. I told him that we were doing our part to support the local economy.

THEN, we went to HEAVEN, also known as the Anheuser-Busch Brewery.

We got the tour, found out how they make beer, and then at the end we each got a bag of pretzels and two free drinks. I had a Bud Light and a new Bacardi O3. They were GOOD! We had a nice buzz going after that, since neither of us are the drinking fiends we used to be.


Well, I should probably get to work. Remember, if you get a phone call today, and you only hear squeaking and low-pitched grunting on the other end, it's probably not an obscene call. It's probably just me. Just say "Hi!"


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