02.12.2003 9:30 a.m.

I think this may qualify as the longest week ever in the history of the world. How is it only Wednesday? It seems like it should be at least Thursday, maybe even Friday. What the hell? Did time just stop for a while and I missed it?

I have an Algebra exam today. Goody. I skipped my Poli Sci class last night so I could study for this Algebra exam. I think I might actually know what I'm doing this time. I hope to God I do better on this exam than I did on my last one. I'm still quite ashamed of the fact that I scored a mere 76/100 on an OPEN BOOK exam. I suck at math. Have I mentioned that already?

I realized once again this morning how happy I am to have cats. I talk to them quite a bit when I'm getting ready in the morning. The little one talks back. A LOT. The big one seems to be more stand-offish, but she'll talk to me when she wants to (usually when she wants food or attention or something). I was reminded this morning how worried I was about myself before we got the cats when I would spend hours alone at night, talking to myself. I was worried that eventually I would crack and go completely insane, and my husband (then my fianc�) would come home on a Thursday night to find me in the fetal position on the couch, rocking slighly back and forth, drooling, and whispering to myself.

Companionship is a good thing. Loneliness sucks.


Have I mentioned that I'm known for going off on tangents in a conversation? Occasionally my husband and I will be driving, and we'll be talking about one thing, when I'll suddenly start talking about something else. Or I'll bring up another point about whatever we were discussing an hour before that. Then I feel compelled to explain my thought processes to him, so he can figure out how I got from one thought to another thought that is totally unrelated. Sometimes I can explain it. Sometimes I can't. Sometimes I just say, "I have a nearly schizophrenic mind." *grin* He knows I'm nuts, anyway, so it's all good.

Well, I've got to go feign sanity and get back to work. Is it 5:00 yet? Maybe? Please?


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