01.22.2003 2:37 p.m.

Damnit, how unfair is this? I'm 23 years old, and I'm teething.

I kid you not. I'm getting wisdom teeth in.

Here's the REALLY funny part. I already had my wisdom teeth taken out when I was in 8th grade. I went to the dentist a couple years later, and he took X-Rays. When he looked at them he told me, "You have wisdom teeth buds." I said, "But I had them removed!" He said, "Well, they're starting to come back. Hopefully they won't grow fully."

Well, I guess they have. My lower left jaw HURTS because there's a tooth now poking through. OUCH. I suppose I should call the dentist and have him take a look at me to see if I need to have them taken out AGAIN. That would be fun.

This is what I remember from the first time I had my wisdom teeth removed: An oral medication (sedative), shot in the leg (more sedative), and 13 shots of Novocaine to numb me. (My mom told them to drug me as much as they could without killing me.) Then a week of looking like a chipmunk and eating ice cream and ice chips and baby food, and getting doped up on pain killers. Actually, that last part doesn't sound too bad. *grin*

Must remember to call the dentist... Sometime next week maybe. Then again, maybe never...

I wonder if I am part shark?


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