11.03.2005 6:39 p.m.
You might have noticed a change...

Anyone going through and reading through my archives might have noticed that certain entries are unavailable. They're still there, but I've made them private. If I know you, or if you've been reading me for a while, I'll be sending out the username and password at some point soon. If I don't know you and/or you shouldn't be here anyway, so sorry, but you'll just have to content yourself with reading the entries that are still public.

With nearly 700 entries, I've only made about...75 private. They're really nothing too exciting, mostly ones relating to work. I finally got tired of worrying that every time people were whispering at work, that they were talking about firing me because they had found all the shit I'd said about my job in here. I know it's pretty much just paranoia, but I figure anything that'll help me to be LESS stressed at work is a good thing.



Oh, and if I give you the password to access the locked entries and you give it to anyone, I will know, and I will hunt you down. Just so you know.


By the way, locked entries can be found here.

Listening to: various stations on the radio
Reading: Angels and Demons by Dan Brown


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