05.23.2005 2:53 p.m.
Weekend fun and frolic

This weekend was a good one, even if it did go by at the speed of light. I am going to be SO READY for the 3-day weekend coming up.

Friday night was pretty low-key, to say the least. Neither of us were feeling 100%, so we pretty much just laid around and watched TV. Well, until 9:30 or so when my husband fell asleep. Then I watched TV by myself for an hour or so before dragging us both up to bed. I think we were both unconscious by 11 PM.

God, we're OLD.

Saturday morning we had to get up relatively early in order to get ready, eat breakfast and get to Battle Creek to pick Alex up at her mom's by 9 AM.


Oh well.

We took her to the park for a bit to let her run off some steam. We explored the entire park, walked over bridges, played with the waterfall, pointed out ducks and geese and baby geese, saw people with a variety of dogs, played on the playground and took pictures. Lots of 'em. I'll probably post some of them at some point. (You can check out one of the pictures that I took on my Flickr site. "Alex swinging" is the one that was taken on Saturday.)

It was a beautiful day, warm but not too humid, sunny, blue sky... And because we were at the park so early, there was hardly anyone there. It was quite a bit more peaceful than it normally is there.

After about an hour and a half there, we headed home to rest for a few minutes.

After a small accident involving my husband's shin and a barbeque fork (and lots of blood and a few bandages and some hydrogen peroxide), we walked down to the Root Beer Stand to have lunch.

Alex's bike was having some serious issues for some reason. Her seat kept tilting so that she'd almost slide off the back. I lost track of how many times we had to stop and fix it on the way back to our house. I hope Mr. Science-Girl can fix it. That's her Big Girl bike, dammit! It has to last for a couple more years!

Wait. Where was I?

Oh. Right.

After a short nap, we took Alex over to my parents' house. During the time we were there, we invented a game which involved throwing a badminton racket up into their maple tree to see if we could bring down a whole bunch of "helicopters" at once. This entertained all of us for a good hour or two.


We're all so easily amused.

It was quite fun, even though it sounds somewhat retarded written down. Just trust me. You had to be there.

After a lovely time with my parents, we jumped in the car and took Alex to my in-laws. We had a delicious dinner there, and I put together a floor puzzle that my mother-in-law had gotten for Alex.

Me: *putting together the puzzle*
Alex: "Do you need any help?"
Me: "Nope! I got it!"

I'm a giant freak.

My husband and I said our good-byes and made our to Best Buy to buy Racing Stripes, which my parents had highly recommended. My husband bought that DVD. I, of course, bought a DVD (In Good Company) and 3 CDs (Garbage - Bleed Like Me, Black Eyed Peas - Elephunk, and Gavin Degraw - Chariot). I was proud of myself for not getting the other two CDs that I wanted.

Best Buy is evil.

PURE evil.

We went home, watched that movie and all of the bonus features, and went to bed.

Sunday felt like a very short day. We ended up sleeping until 10:30 AM or so, until my husband said, "If you want to spend any time with me today before I leave, we might want to wake up now."

We went to breakfast and then went home to cuddle on the couch for an hour or so until I had to take him to the airport. I had all sorts of plans for after he left, but I ended up going home and lying on the couch for about six hours without moving. I felt pretty crappy again.

Come to think of it, I still do.

At least it's almost time to go home!

AND, at least my husband is only gone from until Thursday this time, instead of through Friday like he usually is when he goes to KC. Hooray!


Happy Monday before Memorial Day.

Listening to: Garbage - Bleed Like Me
Reading: Cadillac Beach by Tim Dorsey


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