10.18.2004 3:45 p.m.
Weekend round-up

-Damn, my left eye hurts. My contact was irritating my eye last night, and yet, because I am stupid, I still slept with my contacts in. This morning it hurt to even open my eye. Woo! Needless to say, I'm wearing glasses today. And my eye still waters if I think about it. (Or talk/write about it.)

-After coming in to work for 5 hours on Saturday, I went home and had myself a movie marathon. This is how it went:

*The Rundown
*Runaway Jury
*Mona Lisa Smile
*pause for hysterical sobbing for about 5 minutes until Callie came up and started sniffing my face, trying to figure out what was wrong with me*

-I ended up going to bed WAY too late on Saturday night. Whoops.

-I got SO MUCH stuff posted to sell this weekend. Both Alex's clothes as well as a bunch of my clothes. Whoo hoo! Go me! I actually spent the weekend getting stuff accomplished intstead of staying in bed until 3 PM and/or watching TV all damn day. Of course, the office now looks like a bomb went off in it, due to the piles of clothing everywhere. But, hopefully someone will buy all the clothes that I want to get rid of, and it'll automatically look better.

-My birthday is a month from yesterday. Woo!

Listening to: Ooh! My officemate belching! And my stomach singing an opera.
Reading: Waking Beauty by Elyse Friedman
Feeling: excited for my hair cut tonight


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