03.29.2004 11:38 a.m.
Bad weekend


This weekend was a rough one.

I don't know if I mentioned it or not, but I cancelled my commerical portfolio shoot in Philly that was supposed to happen from the 26th-28th. Every time I thought about going, I got horribly and terribly stressed and panicked, which I think led to my getting a cold sore early last week. I e-mailed the photographer about he cold sore thing on Monday, told him I'd do my best to fix it, and his response was pretty much, "Good. Either fix it or cancel. I'm not picking up a camera if I can't get any usable shots."

Basically, he got pissed at ME for getting a cold sore. (My first one ever, even.) Umm...right.

Plus I just had this...feeling about it. Just a feeling of sadness and dread about the weekend.

Now I know why.

If I had gone to Philadelphia, I would have had to wait until I got back home last night for anyone to tell me that my uncle died suddenly in a car accident late Friday night.

Since I did not go on my planned trip, I was told early Saturday morning instead.

Therefore, I was able to spend a few hours with my grieving family on Saturday.

Therefore, I was able to have a couple of days to process the information and cry a bit before having to come to work this morning. (Including starting to cry at church yesterday, and not being able to stop. WHEEEE!)

Sometimes life works in mysterious ways...

I'm SO GLAD I was home this weekend. I'm SO SAD that my uncle died when he did. He was only 53. That's WAY too young. Especially considering he died less than 5 days before the two year anniversary of his father's death.

Strange. And sad. Especially for his wife and daughters.

The memorial service is tomorrow night. I just hope I can keep myself from breaking down too much before then.

Food I'm craving: Bleh


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