01.14.2004 8:59 a.m.
I'm stupid....and Yay for TV!

This morning's shower featured me opening my eyes, while I was washing my face. Where that brilliant idea came from, I do not know. Yes, soap got into my eyes. No, it didn't feel really pleasant. I think I might be retarded. Doctors just must have missed it.

It's amazing I'm still living at the ripe old age of 24 with as much as I hurt myself in new and interesting ways.




Another day, another dollar. Or many dollars, if I work 2.5 hours overtime like I did yesterday. I don't like my job enough to come in a half hour early, work through an hour lunch, and then stay an extra hour after work. I really, really don't.

The "at least it's more money...at least it's more money" method of coping isn't really working so much anymore. When I tell myself that, it gets answered with "But I'm so tired that I'm not thinking straight, and I feel like I'm at work ALL THE DAMN TIME lately!" They might as well set up cots in some of the small conference rooms with as much overtime as some of us have been working lately. And it's going to get worse before it gets better, with this BIG PROJECT that's starting.

Thank Goddess for good TV.

That's all I'm sayin'.

Like Celebrity Poker Showdown last night. It ROCKED! They realized at the end that the woman who won (Nicole Sullivan from Mad TV) pretty much hustled everyone. She claimed to have no idea what she was doing, but she played like a pro.

There was one point when everyone totally thought Paul Rudd was going to win, as he had two sixes dealt to him, and another six turned over on the flop, giving him trips. It came down to the river card, and the only card that could turn things around was a King, which would give Nicole Sullivan a straight.

It was a King. Everyone was stunned. Odds were 50 to 1 against that happening.

I know these people are all stars, and they don't need the money, blah blah blah, but the charities they played for DO. It was so cool to see Nicole crying at the end because she was so excited about her charity (Alley Cat Allies) getting $100,000.

Ah, TV... A great escape.

Song in my head: "Murder She Wrote" by Chakademus and Pliers (Thanks Nicole)


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