01.12.2004 11:29 a.m.
Colds suck

The same cold that caused me to be stoned on DayQuil right now is also responsible for me not having the energy to celebrate my YEAR ANNIVERSARY on Diaryland on Saturday. Stupid piece-of-shit cold.

Oh well. So YAY! It's been a year! My, how time flies.

*grin* There. Was that enough celebrating?

Ya'll know me. I'm low-key like that.


Stop! Stop what you're doing! Right now! Before you do anything else, mark this down on your calendar!

DivaMel's birthday is on Wednesday. Sign her guestbook! Drop her a note! Or an e-mail! Or even, if you're feeling lovely and generous, send her an e-card!

Thanks for your cooperation.


So, on Saturday, despite the evil cold from hell trying to kick my ass, my husband and I trekked to the wilds of Grand Rapids for a photo shoot. We had all sorts of great ideas, but unfortunately, my energy level was not quite up to it.

I did end up shooting from about 11 AM (by the time we stopped yakking and started actually working) until about 4 PM. We did some fun headshots followed by what I like to call "Fun with Christmas Clearance Items." This involved me, in a g-string (thong), wrapped up in first white and then red rope lights, with the only light coming from the rope lights. It made for some VERY interesting pictures.

And, since both my husband and the photographer were shooting, I'm sure I'll get some really cool shots out of it. Hooray! We did one more series of shots, and by then I couldn't stop yawning. One time I yawned, I had Mike to the left of me and my husband to the right of me, taking turns shooting. Mike took one right when I yawned, followed closely by Mr. Science-Girl, and then Mr. SG got some GREAT pictures of me yelling at him for taking the previous shots. Fun was had by all.

Yesterday, I still didn't have much energy, so I ended up breaking out my BRAND NEW Singer 32-stitch function sewing machine!!!! I sewed a cover with a drawstring for my hot water bottle. This week I'm going to make a skirt. WHOO HOO! I missed making things from scratch. Plus it'll give me something to do besides sitting on my ass and watching TV.

The only bad thing about sewing is the cats' completely illogical obsession with my scissors and pin cushion. It's sort of scary. It's hard to concentrate on what I'm doing when I'm also trying to keep Callie from rubbing her head on the material in my lap with PINS sticking out inches from her face. Or to keep cutting material, when Az is on the other side of it from me, trying to bite the end of the scissors. Crazy cats.

Bah. Back to the stack of work looming over me. HAPPY MONDAY!!

Food I'm craving: nothing, surprisingly


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