10.27.2003 9:07 a.m.
I am a shopaholic

On Friday night, I watched Az play with a grape for a good hour. (She was batting it around, pouncing on it, knocking it three feet away from herself and doing somersaults to get it...Basically just being a nut.) I'm trying to figure out which of us is more of a dork; her, for being so entertained by a freaking GRAPE for an hour, or me for being so entertained by her playing with a grape for an hour.


The funniest part? Saturday morning, when the munchkin woke up early, and my husband was barely awake yet, Alex found the grape in the living room downstairs and asked if she could eat it. My husband said (half awake), "Yeah. Sure." So she ate it.

Thank God she's got a stomach made of lead.


Hi. My name is Science Girl, and I am a shopaholic.


The first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one, right?

Yeah. Well. I admit it.

Does it stop me from buying more?

Not in the least.

This weekend started out with a trip to Target to look for lingerie that I can use in my shoot on Saturday. It had to look good in front of a red walls. Somehow, this search for lingerie led me to spend $162 at Target. Whoops! I swear they've got some sort of drug floating around in there that makes you think you're rich, which in turn causes you to spend more than you should.

Yeah, so...$162 at Target.

And that was just the beginning.

Then we went to TJ Maxx so my husband could look.

Heh. Yeah, right.

I bought two button-down shirts, one of which I can use for a photo shoot, for about $48. I want a pair of $60 boots really badly, but I didn't get them.

Then we went to the mall. I bought the book that I wanted to get (Making Faces by Kevin Aucoin) for $13 instead of the regular $20 price. "Whoo hoo!!!" for Preferred Reader cards and $5 coupons.

Then we decided to go to Ann Taylor Loft so I could see if anything jumped out at me so I could use my $25 gift cards.

Erm, yeah. WAY TOO MUCH jumped out at me. Luckily, I did get some really good deals. For instance, the dress I'm wearing today (a size 0 v-neck sheath dress in black with tan accents at the neckline: originally $89, marked down to $59). I also got a really cute long denim dress that was on sale for $30, a shirt for $39, a sweater for $59, and another clearance skirt for $39 (or so).

After making off like a bandit there ($250 worth of clothes for $175), we headed to Banana Republic.


Because we're insane.

I found two great tops there that were on sale for $7 each, another one that was on sale for $5, and another one that was on sale for $5. My husband bought a $78 button-down AWESOME shirt that he's wearing today with his suit (and looking lovely), about 4 button down short sleeved shirts that were on sale for $13 each, and a really cute orange sweater that was marked down to $30.

All in all, we scored some GREAT deals at Banana Republic.

And spent too much money over the weekend, but oh well.

Someday, we'll actually have the money to spend that we apparently think we already have.

Or we'll be living in a cardboard box on the street. Either way, we'll at least have some GORGEOUS clothes!


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