03.01.2005 1:22 p.m.
Not the best way to start my day

I'd have to say that out of all the ways to start my day, nearly dying on the drive to work is not one of the best.

In fact, it rather sucks.

There I was this morning, on my way to work, driving VERY carefully because it was So. Freaking. Slippery. I was fine most of the way to work, until I went to get off the highway at my exit.

Then it was not so fine.

My car started to fishtail just a bit, so I tried to turn the steering wheel to correct it. I attempted to aid myself by swearing like a sailor. This was followed by even more fishtailing the other way, more correcting, more fishtailing, more correcting, LOADS more swearing and so on, until I eventually totally lost control and ended up sitting on the shoulder of the exit ramp, watching the traffic approaching me head-on.

The interesting thing is that my being backwards didn't worry me so much as the fact that my one of my back tires was sitting about an inch from a large hill. Another inch, and my car would most likely have rolled off of the shoulder of the highway, down the hill, and ended up who knows where. (I've never really looked down that hill, as I've generally been too far away from it to see over.)

I pretty much sat there and said every single bad word I know for about 30 seconds, took a deep breath, and starting turning my car into a tight circle to get it back to the right direction on the exit ramp. Luckily, the cars and semis that were driving past me were nice enough to move into the passing lane so I had enough room to manuever.

Then, I shakily made my way to work, when really I just wanted to turn around and go home.

Well actually, strike that.

I really just wanted to go pick a parking lot to park my car in so I could call a cab to take me home. Driving myself just didn't sound too safe right then.

The really ironic thing?

I had just been thinking, "You know, if I rolled my car right now, the actual motion of the car wouldn't be as bad as the fact that I'd most likely be beaten to death by all the random shit in my car pummeling me."

I really need to clean out my car.

Suffice it to say that I didn't run the few errands I was supposed to run at lunch today. There's really nothing out there I need to do that badly. I got lunch delivered. I don't particularly plan on leaving until tonight when I head home.

Roads are scary. Ice is scary. Winter sucks.

It's March 1st.

Spring can start aaaaaany day now.

Listening to: Keane - Hopes & Fears
Reading: Me Talk Pretty One Day - David Sedaris
Nail color: OPI Ridge Filler


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